Reading Guide
This book is organized to guide readers into understanding why a system transformation is needed to achieve BiodiverCities and how it actually happens.

Download Individual Sections
Opening Statements
Executive Summary
7 Chapters
24 case studies
Opinion Articles
18 OP-EDs
Edited by:
María Angélica Mejía and Juan David Amaya-Espinel.
Editorial assistance:
Érika A. Peñuela.
Albert Kreisel, Alejandra Osejo, Alejandro Serrano, Ana María Garrido, Ana Vicente-Álvarez, Andrea Padilla, Andrés Ibáñez, Andrés Suárez-Castro, Angélica Hernández-Palma, Bibiana Gómez-Valencia, Brian Amaya, Brigitte Baptiste, Carlos Betancur, Carlos Correa, Carlos Cortés, Carlos Montoya, Carlos David Montoya, Carlos Mario Wagner- Wagner, Carmen Antuña, Carmen Bouyer, Carolina Rodríguez, Cassandra Johnson, Cielo Holguín, Claudia Álvarez, Cristina Camacho, Dairo Escobar, Daniel Raven-Ellison, David Montgomery, Diana Ruíz, Diana Wiesner, Duncan Mackay, Édgar Mora, Eduardo Haene, Edward Buitrago, Eliana Cardona, Eline van Remortel, Elizabeth Riaño, Emily Norford, Fernando Flórez, Frances Taylor, Germán Andrade, Germán Torres-Morales, Harini Nagendra, Ioana Biris, Irene García, Jaime Rovira, Jennifer Lenhart, Jhon Rodríguez, Juan Caicedo, Juan Guhl, Juan Múnera, Juan Sebastián Ulloa, Juana Figueroa, Juana Mariño, Julián Restrepo, Juliana Montoya, Laura Sokka, Leon Kapetas, Lucía Rojas, Luis Inostroza, Maéva Dang, Manuel Jaen, Marcela Noreña, María Camila Díaz, María Camila Méndez, María Cecilia Londoño, María del Pilar Arroyave, María Stella Sáchica, Marianne Katunaric, Mario A. Murcia- López, Masatoshi Funabashi, Mateo Hernández, Matías Ramírez, Maximilian Becker, Menno Schilthuizen, Natalia Trujillo, Nathalia M. V. Flórez-Zapata, Nicolás Galarza, Norbert Peeters, Óscar Mejía, Pablo Lazo, Paola Morales, Patrick Lydon, Piero Pelizzaro, Rigoberto Lugo, Sandra Castro, Sara Cabrera, Simon Bell, Tadashi Matsumoto, Theresa Williamson, Valentina Tovar and Yenifer Herrera-Varón.
Editorial Direction .Puntoaparte:
Andrés Barragán and Juan Mikán.
Proofreading: Nicole Bedoya, John Güechá, Andrés Hernández and Nicolás Sepúlveda.
Translated by: Lina Grisales.
Art Direction: Mateo L. Zúñiga, Andrés Álvarez and Felipe Caro.
Illustration: Guillermo Torres, Nere Guarrotxena, Sofía Londoño, Andrea Santana and Dylan Quintero.
Design: Andrés Álvarez, Felipe Caro, Inti Alonso and Laura Gutiérrez.
Website Programming: Mike Brian Prieto -
Photos and maps:
Amazonian Institute of Scientific Research Sinchi, Carlos Montoya, Carlos Mario Wagner-Wagner, Catalytic Communities, Charlie Peel, Charlie Peel, Densurbam, EAFIT University, Eduardo Haene, Érika A. Peñuela, Fideicomiso Lagos de Torca, Germán Torres-Morales, Gimnasio Femenino, Illustrated guide to the birds of Santiago de Cali, Iván Potes, Jhon Rodríguez, Juan Hinacapié, Leonardo Centeno, Luis Inostroza, Maéva Dang, María Angélica Mejía, Ministry of Environment of Chile, Muncipality of Montería, Municipality of Curridabat, Olger Guzmán, OPUS. Design,
architecture, landscape, Rizoma, Sebastián Saiter, Secretariat of Environment of Medellín, Senderos de Chile Foundation, Sergio Gómez, TALLER Architects, Taxon Expeditions, Urban Oasis Foundation (Fundación Oasis Urbano), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Yumbo Futuro (TU).
Satellite images:
Google Earth and IDECA Infraestructura de datos espaciales de Bogotá.
Geographic and demographic information:
Amazonian Institute of Scientific Research Sinchi (Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas–Sinchi), Official Website of the Republic of Argentina (, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), Chile National Congress Library (Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile - BCN), Los Llanos University (Universidad de Los Llanos), National Planning Department (Departamento Nacional de Planeación–DNP), Los Llanos Road Concession (Concesión Vial de Los Llanos S.A.S.), Greater London Authority Official Website, Medellín, how are we doing? (Medellín, ¿Cómo vamos?), Metropolitan Regional Government of Santiago (Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago), Municipality of Bogotá, Municipality of Medellín, Municipality of Montería, Municipality of Santa Cruz of Mompós, Municipality of Santiago of Cali, Municipality of Yumbo, National Administrative Department of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística–DANE), National Statistics and Census Institute INEC - Costa Rica (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos-INEC Costa Rica), NLS National Land Survey of Finland, Shenzhen Government Online, Statistics Finland and Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
BiodiverCities by 2030:
Transforming Cities with Biodiversity was developed under Contract No. 21- 017, signed by the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia and the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute. The latter carries out the conceptual and methodological development and global positioning of the BiodiverCities transformational initiative. BiodiverCities is part of the Public Sector Strategic Management Capacity Strengthening Program, through the line of urban development and Cities System for sustainability, productivity, and quality of life.
Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute
Hernando García, General Director. Cristina Gómez García-Reyes, Advisor to the Director (outgoing). Sandra Perdomo, Head of Policy and International Affairs. María Angélica Mejía, Lead of the BiodiverCities by 2030 Initiative. Gabriela Guerrero, Manager of the National Commission on BiodiverCities by 2030. Érika A. Peñuela, Project Assistant.

First edition
July, 2022
Bogotá D.C.
Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute and Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia (Dapre).
Suggested complete work citation:
Mejía, M. A., Amaya-Espinel, J. D. (eds.). BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities with Biodiversity. Bogotá. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. 2022. 288 pages.
BiodiverCities by 2030: Transforming Cities with Biodiversity / edited by María Angélica Mejía and Juan David Amaya-Espinel. ― Bogotá: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, July 2022.
288 p.; 20 x 25 cm.
Includes bibliographical references, tables, figures, maps, and index.
ISBN printed work: 978-958-5183-48-3.
ISBN digital work: 978-958-5183-49-0.
1. Urban biodiversity, 2. Urban ecosystem services, 3. Urban ecology, 4. Urban Land use planning, 5. Colombia. I. Mejía, María Angélica and Juan David Amaya-Espinel (Eds.), II. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt.
CDD: 354.35 Ed. 23.
Contribution number: 533.
Humboldt Catalog Record: 14972.
Cataloging in Publication (CIP) – Francisco Javier Matís Mahecha Library, Alexander von Humboldt Institute.